#1 hydro bottle - trusted by 10,000+ with professional & scientific backing

#1 hydro bottle - trusted by 10,000+ with professional & scientific backing

#1 hydro bottle - trusted by 10,000+ with professional & scientific backing

#1 hydro bottle - trusted by 10,000+ with professional & scientific backing

#1 hydro bottle - trusted by 10,000+ with professional & scientific backing

#1 hydro bottle - trusted by 10,000+ with professional & scientific backing

#1 hydro bottle - trusted by 10,000+ with professional & scientific backing

#1 hydro bottle - trusted by 10,000+ with professional & scientific backing

#1 hydro bottle - trusted by 10,000+ with professional & scientific backing

#1 hydro bottle - trusted by 10,000+ with professional & scientific backing

#1 hydro bottle - trusted by 10,000+ with professional & scientific backing

#1 hydro bottle - trusted by 10,000+ with professional & scientific backing

#1 hydro bottle - trusted by 10,000+ with professional & scientific backing

#1 hydro bottle - trusted by 10,000+ with professional & scientific backing

#1 hydro bottle - trusted by 10,000+ with professional & scientific backing

#1 hydro bottle - trusted by 10,000+ with professional & scientific backing

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Hydrogen water Jug

Hydrogen water Jug

Regular price £69.99
Regular price £69.99 Sale price £140.00
SAVE 50% Sold out

Filter and infuse your water with hydrogen; a powerful antioxidant with 1400+ published studies conducted since the 1960's.
• Boost energy levels & reduce fatigue
• Promote clear skin & strong joints
• Consume higher quality water & hydrate
• Increase gut health & reduce inflammation

Hydrogen water Jug

Regular price £69.99
Regular price £69.99 Sale price £140.00
SAVE 50% Sold out
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Why You Need Hydrogen Water

1. Enhanced Hydration: Deeper cellular hydration for better performance.
2. Powerful Antioxidant: Fight oxidative stress and support overall health.
3. Quick Recovery: Speed up recovery times post-exercise.
4. Natural Energy Boost: Stay energized throughout the day.
5. Refreshing Taste: Crisp and clean hydration with every sip.
Choose hydrogen water for a healthier, more vibrant you."

What's In The Box

• Power Adapter
• USB Charging Cable
• Quick Start Guide

30 - Day Warranty

We offer a 30-day warranty with every order.
If for any reason something goes wrong with your bottle, we will send a replacement according to our policy page. There is ZERO risk

Heal Your Body & Cognitive Function


Boost your immunity & antioxidants

Help your immunity system naturally be resilient to threats by drinking hydrogen-rich water through the added anti-oxidants, anti-inflammatory, and vital nutrients it safely infuses into the water such as magnesium, potassium, zinc, and calcium.

Backed by over 40+ years of world- leading science research, hydrogen
water naturally helps prevent over 150+ diseases such as pulmonary inflammation, asthma, cerebral infarction, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, arthritis & diabetes

Increase Antioxidant
Intake & Decrease

Backed by research, hydrogen water has remarkable antioxidant and anti-
inflammatory properties that have been shown to be beneficial for over 150+ diseases.

Clinical trials have even demonstrated that drinking three bottles of hydrogen water can provide antioxidant benefits equivalent to hundreds of fruits and vegetables.



To ensure the purest & most effective hydrogen infusion, our hydrogen bottle uses an advanced filtration system. By pressing the button, H20 undergoes a patented electrolysis process, separating hydrogen & oxygen molecules.

This makes your water rich with hydrogen meanwhile defusing the oxygen & other gases, whilst offering enhanced antioxidant properties and healthier & cleaner water


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As Seen On


Refresh, Recharge, Renew:Dive into Hydrogen Water Bliss

  • Fill

    Built-in Filtering

  • Press

    Automatic 3 Mins Cycle

  • Drink

    Benefits Your Body

Transformed the lives of more than 65,000 delighted customers

Ready to upgrade your hydration game? Embrace the revolution - Get Got Hydro Water? Now!


Noticed that It helps neutralize harmful free radicals in the body, reducing oxidative stress and supporting overall cellular health.


Users have noticed this help combat the feeling of tiredness and support sustained energy throughout the


Noticed that it could potentially enhance exercise performance and expedite recovery

Results according a consumer test with 186 participants who drinking at least 1.5 liters of hydrogen water daily

Designed with the help of professional engineers

Hydro bottle has gone through 6 prototypes and was developed over a 4-year period of research & testing using the help of a renowned team of Environmental and
Filtration Engineers.

"Hydrogen bottles are truly one of the secret appliances that can change your health forever. Hydro makes healthy living easy." - Dr. Nia Rhee

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    Free Shipping on all orders - worldwide shipping

  • Money Back Guaranteed

    Returns within the first 30 days of ordering.

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    To safeguard financial transactions, funds and personal information.

  • 24/7 Live Support

    Reach out to our support team via email: Info@thehealthyhydration.com

Collapsible content

what is hydrogen water

Hydrogen water is simply water that has been infused with extra hydrogen molecules, turning ordinary H20 into a health-boosting drink.
The ORP (Oxidation-Reduction Potential)
measures the ability of water to either release or accept electrons during a chemical reaction.
Hydrogen water, being a potent antioxidant, has a negative ORP value, meaning it can effectively neutralize harmful free radicals in the body.
The pH scale measures the acidity or alkalinity of a substance. While the pH of tap water can vary, hydrogen water typically leans towards being alkaline, offering a number of potential health benefits such as better hydration and improved metabolism.

How does it taste

Although you will see bubbles rise in your bottle, the water does not have a "fizzy" taste like carbonated water. Hydrogen water tastes light, clean, and crisp - just like premium quality water, but with added health benefits!
The hydrogen-infusing process increases the alkalinity of water, which can help neutralize acid in your bloodstream, boost your metabolism, and improve absorption of nutrients.

Which type of water can I use?

Aside from pure water, you may use mineral, spring, distilled, or tap water with your Hydroh Bottle. It's designed to deliver hydrogen-rich water, regardless of the source

What is the amount I need to drink everyday?

Hydrogen water is far more hydrating than tap water. It is also non-toxic and safe.
A guideline of daily water consumption for optimal hydration is 2-3+ litres per day.
Many people find from our bottle, hydration levels higher than normal from a smaller volume of water and this is due to the increased absorption with the highest bioavailable antioxidant being molecular hydrogen

What will I notice?

Typically, initial noticeable changes are increased mental clarity, improved energy and overall detoxing of the body via increased internal system functioning as every cell in the body will begin to rehydrate and remove toxins and metabolic waste which is a major cause of dysfunction and disease.

Can I drink It all the time?

Yes, you can. Hydrogen water is regular water with hydrogen gas added to the water.
According to some resources, adding hydrogen gas to the water increases its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. It's been touted for its ability to increase energy, slow down the aging process, and improve muscle recovery after a workout.